....where we celebrate all things stitching.
Seamsfrench has moved to a new website where the focus is on boutis. However, all other techniques have not been left behind. Framing boutis with other needlework, has opened the door to many possibilities for me.
Please come see me at seamsfrench.org.
It would be my pleasure to welcome you there.
Most needleworkers understand the language of quilting and embroidery, but until recently, the word "boutis" was a treasure that remained mostly hidden within the borders of France. Thanks to the efforts of France Boutis and other like minded associations, boutis is slowly being recognized and admired around the world.
Although our focus will be on Traditional French Boutis, from time to time we will celebrate other forms of needlework as well. No matter which part of the world we are from, or where our various experiences and interests have taken us, the language of "Stitches" does not need words, it is common to all of us and can be understood in any dialect or language.
If you would like to know more about boutis and maybe even try it for yourself, check out the introductory level boutis kits in my newly opened ETSY shop.
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